Our Mission

We prioritize patient engagement for better health outcomes.


Personalized AI Care Companion for Patients and Providers

Ease Provider Burnout, Boost Efficiency, and Elevate Patient Care

The Power of Pingoo!

- Renee Yao, AI/ML Startup Investor, NVIDIA:

“Pingoo.AI is among the 20 Generative AI Healthcare Startups Shaping the Future”.

Pingoo Services, for:

  • Patients

    Trustworthy, Personalized, 24/7 available health AI Assistant puts patients in control of their health journey.

  • Physicians

    Pingoo Reduces physician burden by reduction of calls and administrative tasks.

  • Payors

    Communicate with patients to build trust, preserve care continuity, and enhance the patient experience.

Pingoo is available to health systems
You don’t need an EHR to use Pingoo, but if you do, we support it!